Debian package for TWiki LDAP contrib adapter (a bit outdated though)

Currently considering my intention of becoming maintainer of some Debian packages, I realized I had not blogged about the packaging I made for TWikiLdapContrib, an adapter for users and groups management in TWiki based on a LDAP directory.

See for more details on this package made for PicoForge.

I should add that it’s a bit outdated wrt the upstream package… but it seems to work for our use in PicoForge 😉

Update 20071005 :

I’ve issued a RFS for version 1.11 of the package, which is the current version advertised on

I’m also working on packaging the future 2.0 version provided by the author.

All details in the link above in Picoforge’s wiki.

Picoforge succesfully installed on etch virtual machine in xen

It’s no surprise, but PicoForge can be installed on a Debian etch system running inside a xen domU.

This will allow me to hack on picoforge on my laptop, without breaking the system.

Picoforge requires lots of stuff installed and with particular versions of many packages, and may be kinda intrusive, using things like libpam-ldap, chroot accounts, etc.

I’m glad this works… now, let’s get back to real work 😉