Mise en ligne des premiers descriptifs des interventions du thème “développement” des RMLL

Je coordonne à nouveau le thème développement des RMLL.

J’ai mis en ligne une version préliminaire de presque toutes les interventions prévues dans le thème.

Au programme (en vrac) :
* Test d’applications Web
* Relations entre Ubuntu et Debian
* Réalisation d’adaptations d’OpenOffice.org
* Project-Builder.org : le packaging de projets Open Source
* processus de release et de développement d’ubuntu.
* Migration à Git du projet GNOME
* Méthodes de vote : comment consulter les développeurs d’un projet sans fausser le résultat avant de poser la question
* FusionForge : d’où nous venons, où nous allons, qui nous sommes, et pourquoi sommes-nous là
* Enjeux et recommendations pour la contributions d’étudiants en informatique dans les projets libres
* Développement Open Source : un retour des tranchées
* Contribution à OpenOffice.org de projets d’étudiants
* Comment simplifier le développement d’un logiciel grace aux langages de haut niveau
* Comment les outils et l’esprit Open Source permettent de faire de meilleurs projets
* “Mon petit projet libre … ne connaît pas la crise”

J’espère que ça donnera l’envie à certains de venir aux RMLL, à Nantes, du 7 au 11 juillet 2009, et pourquoi pas d’assister à ces présentations.

Le reste du programme est en train d’être mis en ligne, alors n’hésitez pas à recharger les pages souvent 😉

Projet Coclico retenu dans les résultats du 7ème appel FUI

Le projet COCLICO, au montage duquel nous avons participé, vient d’être retenu dans les résultats du 7ème appel à projets FUI (pôles de compétitivité).

Cela augure de travaux sur la convergence entre différentes forges de développement logiciel dans les prochains mois, le tout en logiciel libre bien entendu car labellisé sur le Groupe Thématique Logiciels Libres du pôle System@tic (ainsi que par le pôle Minalogic).

Plus de news bientôt.

UDD, SWIM, Flossmetrics : facts databases about libre software distributions… going Semantic ?

I’ve attended the recent FOSDEM 2009 (great as always), where a number of presentations triggered a lot of my interest.

First @DebianRoom where Lucas presented UDD, the Universal Debian Database. This database groups facts about the Debian project, to ease the creation of queries on what’s happening in the Distribution. This is for instance very helpful for QA tasks, like counting bugs with certain characteristics, or comparing packages in various ways.
Note that a complementary presentation by Enrico was very interesting, on DDE : Debian Data Export (edit: see also his post on DDE), showing ways to offer services to query UDD.

Another presentation, @CrossDesktopRoom introduced the Flossmetrics database, which is collected out of many libre software projects, by extracting contents of the project data from the hosting forges. Very much interesting, in particular since the data becomes available, and a large number of projects allow researchers to compare them in many ways.

Maybe Flossmetrics could benefit from data coming from the Debian UDD… or vice versa ? I think contacts have been taken to think about potential future interchange between the 2.

A general criticism I could make on these two databases is that their schema (the tables & columns layout, as well as the eventual relations), and the code of the data “harvesters” is the only way to understand the real meaning of these data. There’s not so much semantics. Sometimes for known reasons, because, as explained by the UDD developers, there’s actually much incoherence in some of the Debian tools already, and it still it happens to deliver 😉

I’m thinking of a way to produce similar databases of facts (results of queries on these) with Semantic Web standards, to try and convey some bits of commonly agreed semantics, hence fostering interoperability of these databases, and maybe allow comparison of facts relating to different projects. Edit: actually, this idea has been in the air for a year, as readers of a provious post may remember. See in particular the paper by James Howison presented last year at WOPDASD 2008.

It happens that Mandriva, as a followup of the Nepomuk project is indeed trying to setup such a database (called SWIM at the moment. Edit: it has been renamed to MEPHISTO. See my other post on it.) with the use of RDF ontologies, to store facts and annotations about its distribution (more details here). In the HELIOS project, we’ll certainly try and investigate the use of such techniques to try and manipulate such data, like bugs for instance.

I’m thinking about providing an access to UDD with the use of a SWIM-like service, so maybe we can imagine things like more linking of facts about packages, people, bugs and such between Mandriva and Debian, for instance.

Note that at the FOSDEM there were also interesting presentations relating to these kinds of semantic techniques, both relating to outcomes of the Nepomuk project : one about the integration of KDE 4.2 in Debian, where tools like Soprano were mentioned, and another about Tracker in Gnome (which I haven’t attended) about the same kind of techno on the Gnome side.

The future seems semantic, somehow… and we have then a lot of work ahead of us. More to come.

Introduction to bts-link slides

bts-link is a very useful tool which helps keep track of bug status changes when a Debian bug has been marked as linked to another bug in an other (upstream) bugtracker.

I’ve prepared some slides of introduction for our partners in Helios to introduce them to that tool :

These slides can also be found on the helios site (ODP source).

Also, I’ve started contributing to bts-link in the frame of our work on Helios, and I’m glad my contributions have been integrated, although learning git in the way was kind of a pain 😉

More details about bts-link at : http://bts-link.alioth.debian.org/

Chairing the Development track at next LSM/RMLL conference (july 2009)


I’ll be chairing the “development” track at the forecoming (10th edition) LSM/RMLL which will happen in July in Nantes (France).

I expect contributions about FLOSS development, so will soon push a formal call for contributions/communications, but here’s already the description of the track contents : Call for Communication concerning the “Development” topic of the 10th Libre Software Meeting (Nantes, France, july 2009) .

If you feel interested in co-chairing, I’d be glad to know 😉