Moving my professional blog to new homepage

Attention : I’m using a new homepage for hosting my weblog.

All content which used to be available at should now be accessed at

Please update bookmarks and/or syndication.

Rewriterules are active to redirect to the new location in principle.

Thanks for keeping with us 😉

Update 2007/03/18 : I’ve added some special feeds redirection to try and wrap each items syndicated from the old location with a warning header. I’ve used goog old planet to do so… If wanna check the results, see (the ATOM feed) : Planet, I love you 😉

Presentation of PicoLibre/PicoForge at phpGroupware Conference 2006

Here are the slides of my presentation of PicoLibre / PicoForge made at the phpGroupware Conference 2006.

We tried and emphasize some issues relating to phpGroupware’s architecture in the last slides… but of course, it would be better with the sound 😉

Update 2006/11/10 : I’ve updated the files in order to reflect the latest version, which is the one I presented, with more details on Shibboleth and Subversion in the FileManager.

Paper published in International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering

We have written last year a paper titled “Integration of Libre Software Applications to Create a Collaborative Work Platform for Researchers at GET“, which has just been published in a special issue of the International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE) focused on “Web-based Community Driven Open Source Systems” (Vol. 1, Issue 3, 2006).

Here’s the abstract :

Libre software provides powerful applications ready to be integrated for the build up of platforms for internal use in organisations. We describe the architecture of the collaborative work platform which we have integrated and designed for researchers at GET. We present the elements we have learned during this project in particular, with respect to contribution to external libre projects, in order to better ensure the maintainability of the internal applications, and to phpGroupware as a framework for specific applications development.

You may find more details at : (and yes, the paper is only accessible for a fee 🙁 ) Meanwhile, you may find a copy of parts of the draft, here.

Wiki Picolibre de retour sur la toile

Le wiki de Picolibre a subi une panne indpendante de sa volont. Il est de retour (en lecture seule pour les non-membres du projet) sur, hberg sur la plate-forme ProGET (laquelle reprsente un point de rfrence actuel pour le futur de PicoLibre). Bonne consultation (oui, c’est trs lent 🙁 )

Vido de la conf JRES sur ProGET en ligne

La vido de la confrence portant sur l’exprience du projet ProGET (Intgration dapplications logicielles libres pour la ralisation dune plate-forme de travail collaboratif destine aux enseignants/chercheurs du GET) que nous avons donne aux JRES 2005 est disponible en ligne. Bonne conf 😉